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Media Owner

Prajo & Co GmbH
Absberggasse 47
1100 Vienna
T + 43 1 406 02 95-0
F + 43 1 406 02 95-4478 

VAT number: ATU 47198401
 Legal form: GmbH
 Commercial register number: FN 178430 y
Commercial register court: Vienna Trade Register

Web design, editing system and support.

Group Communications
Absberggasse 47
1100 Vienna
T + 43 50 626-0

Line of business.

Prajo & Co GmbH is specialised in internal demolition, gutting and partial and complete demolition of houses, industrial buildings, bridges, high-rise buildings and stadiums.

Declaration on the fundamental direction of the medium.

On this website, content is published first and foremost from Prajo & Co GmbH

Management bodies.

Management Board.

Josip Slomo 
Andreas Vock


Prajo & Co GmbH has taken every possible care in compiling the information presented on this website. The information provided on this website is checked and updated regularly and without prior notice. Despite this, details may have changed since the last update. Prajo & Co GmbH provides no warranty or guarantee as to the currency, accuracy and completeness of this information. The company accepts no liability for direct, actual damages, secondary damages or other damages of any kind that may arise in connection with the indirect or direct use of any information provided on this website. This also applies to any other website that may be linked to this one.